
© Julien Salaud. Cliché : Sophie Lloyd

from May 24 to November 5 2017

"Wild Natures"
Wild Natures

Pursuing its policy of exhibitions outside the museum, the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature is partnering with the Center for National Monuments in an artistic proposal by Julien Salaud at the Château de Cadillac (Gironde). This jewel of French architecture was built during the reigns of Henri IV and Louis XIII for the Duke of Épernon. The rooms decorated with sumptuous fireplaces are usually used to display a remarkable collection of tapestries from the late 16th and 17th centuries.

(Automatically translated with Google Translate)

This prestigious architectural context inspired Julien Salaud to create the theme of his exhibition "Natures sauvages". It is based on the decor of the castle and on a set of tapestries lent by the Museum of Hunting and Nature, precisely those that had inspired the theme of the exhibition "The New Hunts", presented in our walls in 2015. In order to give substance to his personal mythology, Julien Salaud resorts to taxidermy and embroidery; he hybridizes species and artistic genres. The creatures resulting from his metamorphoses hold the human and the animal, the sculpture and the ornamental.

For the exhibition "Natures sauvages", Julien Salaud has created a new piece produced by the museum: " Starry night (Mont aux merveilles) ", a yurt covered with animal skins where the public is called to discover a strange world, a mysterious cave where the artifices of light reveal a curious parietal decor drawn with thread.


Responsable de la communication du musée de la Chasse et de la Nature

Ugo Deslandes

tél. 01 53 01 92 40




past exhibits

© Julien Salaud. Cliché : Sophie Lloyd