Chosen worksStuffed animal

France - Loup naturalisé - XXe siècle - Inv. T 007 2

Stuffed wolf

The subject of controversy since its return to France in 1992, the wolf fascinates and disturbs. Until its disappearance in the 1930s, the wolf was the enemy to be eradicated, but its status has been reversed. Formerly hated, it is now protected, which raises the problem of its cohabitation with human activities. The regulation of the animal is necessary in view of its rapid expansion.

Thus, the ministerial decree of June 17, 2005 authorizes the taking of six specimens over a large area of southeastern France. The stuffed wolf exhibited at the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature was shot in the Valdaine massif (Isère), on the occasion of the third shooting carried out following the publication of this order. Dressed in his summer coat and far from his pack, he proudly stands at the entrance of the Wolf's office.

works.autres Stuffed animal

France - Loup naturalisé - XXe siècle - Inv. T 007 2